4 Months In: A Love Note To My Hubs

Dear Chris,

The months are rolling along. It’s January. One year ago (on Jan 19, 2012), you got down on that knobby knee that I love so much, and gave me the biggest surprise of my life. That pretty chunk of princess-cut brilliance makes me smile every time I look down. And four months ago today you slipped on a delicate diamond band to join its mate on my finger, as I said I do.

Thank you for all the thank yous. The littlest act, like making coffee on a Sunday morning or scratching your head at night springs forth genuine gratitude. I appreciate how appreciative you are.

Thank you for participating in our random, but becomingly more frequent philosophical exchanges. Sometimes I feel like you are the only one who gets my spinning mind…and I take advantage of your interest and ability to fire back something just as provoking.

Thank you for endless kisses, which require you to bend down at least 12 inches to reach my face.

I cringe at the thought that so many may never know this kind of love, this kind of friendship, this kind of happiness that we have secured.

Happy four months sweet boy.



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